Chaos Wars 20
(Redirected from Chaos Wars XX)
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Event Name Year1
Description of event. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque at sem sit amet tellus aliquet dapibus id a arcu. In viverra hendrerit aliquet. Maecenas facilisis felis non odio eleifend accumsan. Nunc augue mi, volutpat sit amet placerat in, fermentum et est. Integer rutrum turpis eu tortor ornare adipiscing. Curabitur vehicula lectus quis lorem semper dignissim. Etiam quis facilisis eros. In eget nisi eu lacus blandit venenatis.

- Date: when
- Location: where
- Hosted By: who
- Attendance: how many
- Staff:
- Staff - Title
- Staff - Title
Awards for the Week (Help filling these in would be very much appreciated.)
Chaos Banner
Skal - super alliance of Uruk-Hai, Pirates, Germania, Romans, Hellions, Juggernaughts, Juggalos, and the Illuminati
Realm & Unit Cloaks
- Unit Cloak - defunct
- Realm Cloak - defunct
Chaos Plate
- 10-Man - God Squad
- 4-Man - God Squad
- 2-Man - God Squad, Moses & Coop
- Sword & Board - Melee Moses
- Single Blue - Aleksii
- Open Red (All Sizes) - Coop
- Min Red - Zayl
- Spear - Samson
- Florentine -
- Tank -
- Archery -
- Newbie -
- Highlander - Aleksii
- Goblin Night -
- Best Camp Pub (Pub Crawl) -
- Chili Cookoff -
- Bardic Night -
- name of class - Hosted by Person A
Notable Occurances
- Person X got knighted by Person Y
- blergha mergha