Chaos Bugbear
The First Chaos bugbear was created from the anger of the Blood God and a debt from Marjack. His original form was not suitable for a Champion of Khorne, for it was, in Khrone's eyes, frail and disappointing. Chaos Bugbears are not born, per se. They are destroyed and re-forged from the fragments of the old being into something more sinister. The First sought out power from the Eternal Chaos. The First, for being deemed unworthy, had his form shattered by Khorne and had his soul sundered from its binds to The First. The remains soaked in the river of blood from the throne of skulls and began to take form. As the new shell emerged from the river waiting for the Blood God to breathe life into it. The Blood God let a deep and menacing roar, “Reformed from the blood of countless, your shell…stained forever red as an abomination and mockery to Marjack the Fool! Now, mortal, your soul shall be remade from anger and madness embrace your fate... Embrace the power that is Chaos.” The Blood God began reforming the torn shards of the soul, slowly infusing the hate, rage, and darkness of the the Rift. The First felt the countless numbers’ pain and anguish and damnation flowing into his being; changing his very soul, but the power…the knowledge…every ounce of suffering would be worth the end result. This went on for days, but to The First it felt as a millennia of this darkness had become him. As he was on the brink of succumbing to the darkness, he felt a jolt of life and the Blood God cast his soul into the empty husk. His eyes opened to see the Great Lord of Rage and Destruction. The booming voice shook the hall, “Now rise, my bastard son, as a Champion of Chaos! My will and rage be done!” In this moment rose the First Bugbear of Chaos.
Khorne gained the knowledge of bugbear creation from Marjack due to a conflict where Marjack tried to conquer and bind Khorne to his will for Marjack thought himself the true Creator. After the conflict Marjack begged the Lord of Skulls to spare his life and he would teach him the power to create his prized creation the bugbear. Khorne knowing the destructive power and raw tenacity of this race, spared Marjack for that and the surprising martial prowess Marjack had in the fight.