Call to War
An Ogre call to War:
Hear me ogres, I Sa’Umad Ghanima Shaman of Una have words I must impart.
Una came to me last night in my dreams full of anger. Her words were harsh, and she demanded I listen and share what I had heard. I woke to find myself in an unfamiliar plane. Great trees surrounded a large meadow and dark ominous clouds loomed overhead. A great storm began, the thunder clapped and lightning danced and struck all around me. And I knew then as never before how small and mortal I am.
“We are the children of Uron, the allfather, we are the rulers of Yord (the physical plane) and we do not share governance. Any who dare deny or defy us shall meet their just end and you will make sure all know this is true.
I am Una, I am water, I am life and I am death, chaos and calm I am no stranger to bloodshed and delight in the death of my enemies. You live and die by MY WILL, for without water there is no life. Forget this lesson at your own peril. “(and here the rain started to pour, but in one part denser than the rest. I thought I saw the form of a female ogre both terrible and beautiful, and even though I am her servant Fear struck my heart I called out Una, Una Ok Fo’na that she might remember I am her loyal servant )
“Ugangi, my brother and more, he is fire, he is war, he is the slaughter, he is the hunt He shares his spoils only with those who follow him, but is most generous with his blessings.” (and here the lightning struck a tree and it burst alight, and I thought I saw a form in the fire of a massive ogre bathed in the blood of his enemies. He held aloft a spear and his wolves howled with the wind and even I was caught up in the desire to rend apart any who opoosed me. I called out Ugangi Ugangi Myosh’ia and the fire exploded into an inferno and then disappeared)
“Ucronos my little brother, a betrayer and yet he is the wind, he is swift, often silent and his knives were bathed in the blood of his foes just as they bathed in the blood of his brother. It is he and he alone who guides the souls to the Utiek, and he is willing to relinquish none that are worthy. “ (The wind howled mightily and I felt chilled to my bone. I felt as if my soul wanted to flee by body and I clung to it desperately and whispered Ucronos, Ucronos Orr Thog Yrr as a mass passed by in the wind accompanied by three ravens. I felt as if I experienced my own death without seeing it coming and was left shaken to my core)
Utezni, my partner and my brother. He is the solid Earth beneath you, but even he can roll and thunder. He has seen myrk in its darkness and mystery. Do not mistake his quietness for weakness, and woe be to they who neglects to sing his praises ( The earth beneath me shook and rolled and I could not keep to my feet even with the staff assisting me. and when I fell The earth before me gave way and I saw the stones carved in blood and know I experienced terrible visions of which I cannot rightly recall. I begged to be shielded, the knowledge was too much and the earth closed in around me. My head pounded and I repeated over and over Utezni Utezni nana k’ta, Utezni Utezni nana k’ta. Blood poured from my nose, and ears and I vomited. When I looked up, the pounding in my head was eased and I saw an ancient ogre with a stone hand pierce me with his gaze before he walked back into the trees)
Now only the form of water remained. I begged my goddess, I hear you, I will obey. Take mercy on me, I am your loyal servant. I have always served you, and the storm slowed and then ceased. The rain fell softer and washed away the blood and vomit. The sun returned and warmed my chilled flesh. My staff’s runes glowed even in the sunlight and upon grasping it my mind felt at ease and I collapsed. Upon waking I found I was back in my bed, but the vision remained firmly planted.
Now I have shared what I have seen, and woe be to any who deny them what is theirs.