Bone Knife Goblin Tribe

From BelegarthWiki

Long time ago, there were three small Goblyn tribes around the place the pinkskins call "Dun Abhon." They were Swampwater, Mad River, and Stinking Field. Every full moon, the tribes would play goblin games on each other, and award the best prankster. The award was the winner being chased into hiding by his victims.

There was something resembling a smelly, chaotic peace in the valley. Occasionally a bugbear would eat a couple of Goblyns, but they never ate them all, so it was OK.

Pinkskin warriors came, and killed many goblins. Swampwater was destroyed, scattered to the wind. When the goblins regrouped, the pinkskins had made houses by the river and already brought more pinkskins to fight. So the Goblyns hid. The pinkskins raised walls of dirt and walls of stone. Pinkies came and went, but more came than went.

Ammox the Orc chief came from the west. He brought the tribes out of hiding, and brought more from the west. Ammox made an army from the Goblyns and his Orc warriors. The tribes joined to become Bone Knife war tribe. Ammox and Bone Knife Killed many pinkies, and stole many walls. Pinkskins hid behind the highest wall, and fought hard. Ammox said coward pinkskins not worth killing and went east. Shaelihn Zuglot said pinkies keep all inside high stone wall, outside belonged to Goblyns again.

We sing Goblyn song next to stone wall. Pinkies teach game called "Shut Up." Pinkies sent fighters from behind their wall to fight. We catch them and drown them in rivermud. Goblyns sing. Pinkies play shut up. Pinkies came from the hills and valleys past Bone Knife lands. We kill them with arrows, rocks and spears. Goblyns sing. Pinkies play shut up. Pinkies came on boats. We burned boats with arrows. When pinkies tried to swim to shore, we cut their bellies and pulled them under. Great Goblyns kill many pinkskins.

Then pinkskins ask pink gods for help. They send great warriors. They kill many great Goblyns. Shah Bloodrock, Ratbones and Orgyk all killed. Pinkskins took back all the walls made with pink hands.

Now Bone Knife wait for last vision from Shah Bloodrock to come. Shah Bloodrock said great Chieftain from the west will come and Bone Knife shall become a great Horde and sweep away our enemies.