Blue Lanterns

If you want to join the Blue Lanterns, please contact anyone who is a current Council member using your media of choice (email, text, facebook, etc.). You will need to have ready the names of two people who will act as references for you. The list of current Council members is at the bottom of this page.
If you are a reference for someone wanting to join the Blue Lanterns, download the questionnaire here:
References Questionnaire
Then fill it out to the best you are able, save, and send it to any current Council Member.
What we are doing, anyone else can do too -- whether you are a member of the Blue Lanterns or not. Our purpose is to be highly visible role models. We are trying to help set an example for our treatment of people in Belegarth who may be new, shy, and/or overwhelmed. We are hoping to better set an example by gathering many like-minded individuals from all across the country under the house of Blue Lanterns. While adding an individual into our group, current members and the entire Belegarth community may speak up in support or concern at any time during or after the application process. Without the voices of our collective community, none of what we are striving to achieve will be possible. All of us in Belegarth are the building bricks of a better community.
Q: Do the Blue Lanterns act as extra security?
A: No. Any security concerns brought to the attention of the Blue Lanterns will be relayed to official event staff. We are in no way acting as security.
Q: What do the Blue Lanterns do?
A: We provide a positive social influence with the main goal of creating an inclusive environment for people. The Blue Lanterns are meant to be visible, present, and helpful. How we provide help is flexible to the situation. If someone wants to be introduced to camps, we become tour guides. If someone is uncomfortable, we become company. If someone feels they are surrounded by strangers, we become a friend. We want to be the people someone can point to and say, “Them. They’ll help,” whether they know a member personally or not.
Q: How do I join/How are members selected?
A: Membership is a basic application process. Every applicant needs to provide a minimum of two references, who will fill out a simple, standard questionnaire. We then look over the responses and have a period of discussion. During which, if anyone does have any issue/comment with the applicant being a member of the group, there is time to privately voice concerns/praise to any of the council members. When the discussion and voting periods are concluded and a decision is reached, the applicant will be notified.
Q: How is the Blue Lanterns group organized?
A: The Blue Lanterns are organized into Members and Council Members. The Council Members are the organizers who orient resources to guide the group as a whole towards achieving the mission statement and goals. The members are the body of peers who are present and active in the community, who show a zeal for creating a positive influence through action.
Q: What do the Blue Lanterns do in the event of an extreme situation (such as bullying, harassment, physical abuse, etc.)
A: The Blue Lanterns are not any kind of extra security force. We do not act in any rule-enforcement capacity. We can alert official staff to the problem and facilitate a more comfortable environment for the individual. Our goal is to diffuse an extreme situation, we are not there to obtain more details. We are present to help through actions such as helping move a tent to a new location, guiding people through camps, contacting appropriate people, etc.
Q: Are the Blue Lanterns trained medics?
A: In the event of a medical need we will facilitate the locating of a medically trained personnel that either has been approved by the event coordinator, or are an active member of certified medical staff. Some of our members may be approved and certified staff, but not all Blue Lanterns are certified nor are they required to obtain certification. It is up to the Blue Lantern to use common sense to decide if they are capable of assisting a situation themselves, or if they need to seek assistance for a medical need. For example, a Blue Lantern could recognize a fighter has stopped sweating on a hot day and offer them care in the form of providing water, or maybe encourage them to sit down in the shade. If the Blue Lantern notices the fighter has collapsed from heat exhaustion, they should immediately seek someone with medical training (or use their own medical training if applicable) to provide appropriate care.
Q: What happens if I have a negative encounter with a Blue Lantern at an event?
A: If you are having an issue with anyone at an event, whether they are a Blue Lantern or not, you can always contact the event security or official event staff. Our group is not above reproach -- we are event attendees just like anyone else. In addition, all Blue Lantern members are required to act in accordance with our mission statement. If it is found that any member is behaving contrary to our mission statement, we have a process in place for discussing and reprimanding members. In serious cases, this could result in stripping their identifiable materials (belt flag), or even their removal from the group entirely.
Q: What happens if I have a negative encounter with a Blue Lantern outside of an event?
A: Being a member means that you will adhere to the mission statement both in and out of events to the best of your ability. If you are having an issue with anyone, we will refer you to your local officials (realm or otherwise). Blue Lantern members are required to act in accordance with our mission statement. If it is found that any member is breaking these rules, we have a process for reprimanding and (if necessary) removing them from the group entirely.
Q: I sent an application in and I haven’t heard back. What do I do?
A: We receive a large number of applications. The largest contributor to a long application process is when we are waiting on responses from your references. We remind you to please make sure that your references are aware that we need the completed questionnaire back to continue our processing.
If you still have not heard back in a timely fashion about your application, please send a message to a member so that we may investigate your application and give you feedback on where it is at. You are more than welcome to provide more references beyond the initial two until we have received the minimum required two feedbacks.
Q: My application has been accepted! What now?
A: Awesome! You will be contacted by a member with further details.
Q: My application has been rejected! What now?
A: We cannot emphasize enough that just because you have been passed over for our group, that doesn’t mean that you are an untrustworthy person. You should still strive to be a role model in your community. We encourage you to reapply at a later date (give it a year). You may in your non-acceptance message be given details as to why. Each application is determined on a case-by-case basis. If you have concerns with your result, you may contact a Council member and appeal. In most cases, your references may not have been able to provide adequate information. If this is the case, please re-apply with different references at a later date.
Current Council Members (as of 2016)
Arohaar Windspeaker (aka Calediah)
Nènharma (aka Nen)
Blue Lanterns Facebook Page
References Questionnaire
Blue Lanterns Bylaws