Biblical Angels

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Akatriel: Revealer of the devine mysteries and of angel proclamation; cf. Raziel

Aanfiel: Chief of the crown judgment angel of the Merkabah

Azbuga (h): One of the eight great thrones angels who clothes himself with the grament of righteousness those deemed worthy among the new arrivals in heaven

Barakiel (Barkiel, Barbiel): Ruler of the order of Seraphim, governor of the month of Febuary, and one of the 7 archangels

Camael (Kemuel): Chief of the orders of Powers; one of the holy sefiroth; personification of divine justice; among the 7 that stand in the presence of God

Chayyiel: Chief of the holy Hayyoth (Cheribum).

Gabriel: Angel of annunciation, resurrection, mercy, and vengeance; ruling prince of the first heaven; chief of the angelic guards over paradise.

Galgaliel: Eponymous head of the order of Galgalim (chariots of the Merkabah); chief angel of the wheel of the sun.

Haniel (Anael): Chief of the order of Principalities and of Virtues; one of the 7 archangels; governor of December; reputed to have transported Enoch to heaven.

Iofiel; Preceptor angel of Shem; a prince of the Torah (like Yefefiah); one of the 7 archangels; chief of the order of Thrones.

Johoel (Jaoel): Meditator of the ineffable name; prince of the pressence.

Metatron: Chancellor of heaven; prince of the ministering angels; sustainer of mankind.

Michael: Chief angel of the Lord; deliverer of the faithful; tutilary prince of Israel; angel of repentance, etc.

Phanuel (Raguel): Archangel of penance; prince of the pressence; identified with Uriel and Ramiel.

Radueriel (Vretil): The recording angel; leader of the celestial choirs; creator of the lesser angels

Raphael: Angel of healing, science and of knowledge; one of the princes of the presence, regent of the sun.

Raziel (Galizur): Chief of the supreme mysteries; one of the archangelic governors of the Bratic world; preceptor angel of Adam, herald of diety, and reputed author of the Book of the Angel Raziel.

Rikbiel: Chief of the divine chariot; prince of the Merkabah angels.

Sopheriel Mehayye and Sopheriel Memeth: Two of the supreme angels of the Merkabah (of which there are 8); keepers of the books of life and death.

Soqued Hozi: Keeper of the divine balances; one of the 8 supreme angels of the Merkabah; appointed by God to the Sword.

Sandalphon (originally Elijah): Angel of power and glory; twin brother of Metatron.

Shemuil: The great archon, mediator between the prayers of Israel and the princes of the 7th heaven.

Suriel: Benevolent angel of death; instructor of Moses; a prince of the presence.

The Irin: Twin angels who, together with the twin Quaddisin, constitue the supreme judgement council of the heavenly court; among the 8 exalted hierarchs that enjoy a rank superior to that of Metatron.

The Quaddisin: Twin angels who, together with the twin Irin, constitute the supreme judgement council of the heavenly court.

Tzadkiel: Angel of divine justice.

Uriel: Archangel of salvation; regent of the sun; overseer of Tartarus.

Yefefiah (Dina): Angel of the Torah; instructed Moses in the mysteries of the Cabala.

Zagzagel: Angel of wisdom; chief guard of the 4th heaven; angel of the burning bush.