Beltaine XV

From BelegarthWiki

Hosted By: Dur-Demarion
When: April 23-26th, 2009
Where: Montgomery Bell State Park
Fees: $15-$20

Theme: God's War

The Epic Battle of the Gods will transpire at the hallowed grounds of Montgomery Bell Park by the Twilight Citadel of Dur-Demarion.

The Three Gods who wage this war have planted necklaces which, when donned, will bestow some very playable combat powers. To be sure that the quickest and cleverist of warriors obtain these Gifts from the Gods, the keepers of the Twilight Citadel have enlisted the help of some rotten Seafarers, some odiferous Piratical scalawags. They will produce maps and puzzles to boggle the mind and mislead even the most fox-minded warriors and logicians.

Where will you be?