Alchemical Lich
Similar to Tratitional Liches Alchemical Liches are beings Gifted with Undeath through the use of Science and Alchemy. Due to the experimental nature of an Alchemical Liches creation there is no singular unifying way to create/become an alchemical lich. Accounts of creating Alchemical Liches show reports ranging from experimental potions, to ressurrection similar to that of a flesh golem ect. The biggest Similarity between a Traditional Lich and an alchemical Lich is the use of the Sigil of the Lich, However in the Case of Alchemical Liches the sigil is used as a sort of containment for the soul/essence of the lich. If the sigil is destroyed the Alchemical Lich will be destroyed as well. Alchemical Liches are powerful intelligent and mysterious creatures, who are incredibly similar to their magical counterparts. Through the Power of the Sigil of the Lich an Alchemical Lich has the ability to use necromancy in the same manner a magical Lich would.
An Alchemical Lich can differ from a "magical" Lich in several ways.
First off seeing as they are not created nessasarly by dark arts they tend to have the same disposition that they did in life, meaning that they are not inherently evil, ( although they are not nessasraly against doing evil if they see the need ).
They will, under normal conditions, be pre-disposed to the same way of thinking that they had before undeath, however under cases of extream anger or in the heat of battle they tend to start to look more like thier counterparts.
Second, because of thier nature they do not always have the apperance of decay that other Liches have but heal at an incredible
rate, seemingly from even the most horrific of injury.
An Alchemaic Lich tend to be loaners as they have learnd over the years the heartache of seeing thier friends and loved ones parish
into the mists of time. If one of these should ever give themselves to a person or group they can become incredably defensive of them, until that person or group should turn thier back and forsake the Lich.
The creation of an Alchemical Lich is not just a matter of drinking some potion or eating some herb, There MUST be an underling reason for thier type of undeath to be enacted . Wheather it is an overwelming need to protect a person extremly close to them or total retribution on an enemy that has wiped out thier homeland, the driving urge has to be great enough to capture the attention of DEATH, Hersef, at the moment of consumption.
Often a being that has become a Alchemical Lich dosn't know what has happened to them at first. The realisation only happens
after they become plagued with nightmares in which DEATH visits them in dreams surrounded by strange symbles. These dreams become more and more terrifying to the person until they start placing these symbles out of thier nightmares onto thier clothing and
personal items. This will ease the nightmares back into normal dreams but until the new Lich can learn what they mean the dreams will continue. It's only after the Lich has learned the meaning of these symbles, that they realize what they have become and move into thier full potential.
The phylactery of a Alchemical Lich is usualy an item(s), that had great meaning to the Lich in life, and in rare cases there can be more than 1.
These items are guarded with cunning so that they have little chance of discovery, although having the Sigil of the Lich on them
will give them away if a person knows what they are looking at.