House Hellhammer

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Advertisement and self-congratulation aren't our thing, but you'll know us when you see us. When you do see that Chaos Star, you'll understand. Because we're the House of Chaos. And that's all there is to it.

House Hellhammer At Oktoberfest '08
House Hellhammer At Oktoberfest '04.
House Hellhammer At WPO 2013
House Hellhammer At Oktoberfest '13
Dear Gawkers , Shit Talkers. 

This is not about you. If you don't like what you see MOVE ALONG. These are ' trials ' they are not supposed to be easy. They are supposed to push you to ' your' limit, and beyond. It's not about beating people up, or down. ' Jumping ' anyone in. It's about opening the cage that holds the beast inside you. Letting your inner rage loose. It's about breaking down what you were, and showing you what you are. What we are. We are not here for your entertainment , we are not here to amuse you. The trial is for the person in it. No one else. It forces them to see 'what' they can do.

Yes people bleed, yes there are tears. People get hurt. People throw up. It's not pretty. It's not all warm and fuzzy. And .IT'S . NOT. ABOUT. YOU.

Go back to your thick sided ,rhino hiding group of fan boys and girls. Keep your soul in a cage. Hide under your sheets at night scared of the the dark. Tremble at un seen noises in the distance.

Or shut the fuck up and start living.

You have never been tested. You have never fought so hard you collapsed. You have be passed the point of giving up. Dragged your self to your feet to call the whole thing off and toss in the towel.

Then through sweat and tears held your hammer out one last time.......... And crushed it. Just utterly destroyed it.

'It' being what you thought you were. What your limits used to be.

Keep talking shit.

We don't care.

We aren't trying to be -better than you -

We are trying to be better than us.

-Father Girbhin
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