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Bortas suiting up for battle.




  • To promote foam-fighting in such a light that all who find us find a home for them to share in the same passion of history and doling out restrained violence to our comrades.
  • To offer help and instruction.
  • To ask for help and instruction.
  • To be outgoing and recruit those staring passers-by.

===Preferred Style=== I like sword and board while in big battles or on the field, or strapping on two swords and carrying my bow in the woods... Lets just say I can't decide on a single style...
===Skills=== Chainmail creation (armor & jewelry ), [foamsmithing], leathercraft, garb design, beer/wine/mead brewing - basically, if you see me fighting with / wearing / using / eating / drinking it, I probably made it.
===History=== Brought in by Sir Tasis in 1995, helped in start Talinor in it's original form in Moscow, ID along with Dagorath, Laren, & Tass. Fought with Talinor and participated in several battles with the Highlands of Chaos and joined forces with HoC for Ragnarok XI. In late 1999, moved away from Talinor to western Washington. Managed to participate in a handful of battles with Gondor (and Tasis & Tass), but eventually lost contact and ceased participation. Returned in 2007 and revived Talinor in Bremerton, WA.

Events Attended



  • Hobbies: Playing with my kids, Creating stuff (ie: leatherworking, brewing, creating websites, woodworking, etc.), Sailing, RC Flying.
  • Music: I like all kinds of music for different things, but I generally avoid Rap & Country. Soundtracks and Rock generally are on my speakers. Things like System of a Down, Metallica, Breaking Benjamin, Chevelle, Evans Blue, Saliva, Trapt, Seether, Stabbing Westward, Apocalyptica, Howard Shore, other movie soundtracks, and on and on and on. In general I like rock or alternative, something with a good beat, lyrics that are understandable and generally inspire my angst... to go beat someone with a foam stick.
  • Movies: Isn't every foam-fighter's favorite movies roughly the same? Boondock Saints, Momento, American History X and pretty much any movie depicting people using hand held weapons...
  • Books: How about authors instead, since if I like one of their works, I'll typically like others... Terry Goodkind (Sword of Truth series), Orson Scott Card (Ender's Game), Dan Brown (Da Vinci Code), Tom Clancy (most), Armor, Brief History of Time.


  • Real Name: Tim Sheckler
  • Born: 10/13/76 in Sandpoint, Idaho
  • Family: Married to Niobe (2000), father of Garrett (2004) & Jaxon (2007)
  • Occupation: Healthcare Security Management
  • Contact: [myspace], [e-mail], [website]

Cool People

Tasis, Daraith, Dopp, Cedric, Alexii, Kanon, Xooyan, Orion, Ralimar, Lady Grey, Ender, Bhakdar, Forkbeard, Ryker, & my Realm mates

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