Sacred Orders of the Sun

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The Sacred Orders of the Sun are a monastic sect of The Great Hunt dedicated to the developement of proficiecy with a specific weapon style. As the initiated cultist moves up through the ranks, they are required to look outside of their realm to meet the requirements of advancement, entering into tournements at National Events like Chaos Wars for individual Orders (Oak, Ash, Elm, Willow, Birch, Holly, Hawthorn) and achieving victory in group-based Orders (Rowan, Alder, Hazel, Vine, Ivy, Reed, Elder). Each of the Orders has a tree symbolizing the energy and spirit of the style they seek to perfect. By gaining status in one or more of the Sacred Orders, the cultist can become clergy. To qualify to enter an Order, a prospective candidate must have already passed their Outer Temple Initiation and have become an Acolyte. Hunters are encouraged to participate in one or more Orders to further the perfection of their killing art. When a cultist advances, they report the event to the High Huntsman, who verifies the information with a second if needed.


A Duel Detande (Monk tasks for the group-based orders) is an equal pairing of members of The Great Hunt. It is a series of five duels, of which one team must secure 4 of 5 victories to qualify for advancement.

A Sanctioned Battle is a mixed-group battle at a National Event that involves 'banner' points. (e.g. Unit Battles or Theme Battles)

"As the Trees show their blades in salute to the Sun, so we must too hone our edges, connecting the sacred to the profane of war as the wooden warriors connect the body of the earth to the spirit of the sky."

- Yaga Xoshawv


Order of the Oak

Devotees of the Long Point


Then the Oak, tall and proud

Fixed the usurper with his long gaze

And reaching with his wicked claws

Pierced the foe in flesh and breast

The Order of the Oak focuses on the spear, dagger, and stabbing aspect of the javelin. Their training concentrates on the quick thrust and explosive strikes.

Nomad of the Oak - Use a green for a full local practice (roughly 2 - 3 hours)

Monk of the Oak - Defeat two members of your local realm proficient with a green

Abbot of the Oak - Survive the 2nd round of a National Green Tournement

Sage of the Oak - Win a National Green Tournement

Order of the Ash

Zealots of the Drawn Sigh


As the enemy came, stout of heart

The whisper of death flew on the wind

As the enemy fled, fleet of foot

The breath of life released

The Order of the Ash focuses primarily on archery and secondly on thrown missile weapons. Their training concentrates on precise aim and expert timing.

Nomad of the Ash - Use a bow or thrown missle weapon for a full local practice (roughly 2 - 3 hours)

Monk of the Ash - Defeat two members of your local realm proficient with a bow

Abbot of the Ash - Survive the 1st round of a National Archery Tournement

Sage of the Ash - Win a National Archery Tournement

Order of the Elm

Fanatics of the Lasting Strike


The powerful Elm, full in its glory

Drew the great blade across the horizon

In the wake of the horrid edge

The sky and all between were divided

The Order of the Elm focuses on large, shield-breaking weapons. Their training concentrates on the conservation of motion and solid connection.

Nomad of the Elm - Use a red weapon for a full local practice (roughly 2 - 3 hours)

Monk of the Elm - Defeat two members of your local realm proficient with a red

Abbot of the Elm - Survive the 2nd round of a National Red Tournement

Sage of the Elm - Win a National Red Tournement

Order of the Holly

Fools of the Rapid Motion


In a flurry of blows

Staggering and felling the surrounding host

The Holly struck in all directions

And bled the villain dry

The Order of the Holly focuses on the effective use of a weapon in each hand. Their training concentrates on coordinated strikes and minimalist blocking.

Nomad of the Holly - Use two blues for a full local practice (roughly 2 - 3 hours)

Monk of the Holly - Defeat two members of your local realm proficient with florentine

Abbot of the Holly - Survive the 2nd round of a National Florentine Tournement

Sage of the Holly - Win a National Florentine Tournement

Order of the Birch

Champions of the Steady Hold


The adversary pushed forward

Surging across the land like a foul wave

The breaking point of the horde paramount in splendour

The Birch and his shield, standing firm

The Order of the Birch focuses on the combined effort of shield and weapon. Their training concentrates on a stalwart defense and surgical shot placement.

Nomad of the Birch - Use a shield and single blue for a full local practice (roughly 2 - 3 hours)

Monk of the Birch - Defeat two members of your local realm proficient with sword and blue

Abbot of the Birch - Survive the 2nd round of a National Shield/Blue Tournement

Sage of the Birch - Win a National Shield/Blue Tournement

Order of the Willow

Mystics of the Falling Leaf


The Willow watched the fall of rain

Glistening in the arched sunlight

At the instant a drop struck the parched ground

The Willow struck down the betrayer two thousand times

The Order of the Willow focuses on the art of the single weapon. Their training concetrates on an aggressive offense and an impervious stance.

Nomad of the Willow - Use a single blue for a full local practice (roughly 2 - 3 hours)

Monk of the Willow - Defeat two members of your local realm proficient with single blue

Abbot of the Willow - Survive the 2nd round of a National Single Blue Tournement

Sage of the Willow - Win a National Single Blue Tournement

Order of the Hawthorn

Partisans of the Open Palm


Agents of decay did swarm the hedges

Circling the Hawthorn, with no weapons

They did raise their axes to him

And fell in their own assault

The Order of the Hawthorn focuses on based proficiency with all weapons. Their training concentrates on effective grappling and skillful disarming.

Nomad of the Hawthorn - Take the field with no starting weapons for a full local practice (roughly 2 - 3 hours)

Monk of the Hawthorn - Disarm and kill a proficient fighter in your local realm

Abbot of the Hawthorn - Disarm and kill a fighter on a National Field

Sage of the Hawthorn - Disarm and kill a nationally renowned fighter on a National Field

Order of the Rowan

The Statues


As the defiler threatened

To collapse the Noble Legion

The graceful Rowan wrought havoc

While never being seen

The Order of the Rowan emphasize the importance of support tactics. Their Order can be found, with spears and bows and blades, behind the stalwart Pillars.

Nomad of the Rowan - Work as a support fighter for most of a local practice (roughly 2 - 3 hours)

Monk of the Rowan - Work as a support fighter with a Pillar in a Duel Detande

Abbot of the Rowan - Work as a support fighter in a sanctioned battle and achieve victory

Sage of the Rowan - Work as a support fighter in the Unit that wins a particular Event

Order of the Alder

The Icons


If confusion had been a thought

Or if disorder had prevailed

The Alder would have failed

But the Alder did not fail

Order of the Hazel

Order of the Vine

Order of the Reed

Order of the Ivy

Order of the Elder

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