Knightfall Triad

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The Triad

Three realms sent forth their most trusted of knights to capture the lands of Knightfall. The battle between these three knights and their armies lasted for days, and the bloodshed was great. At the end of this battle only three figures were left; the knights that had led the armies.

They battled on for three more days until exhausted, when each of them collapsed down to one knee. Out of respect for the might that was displayed they called for an alliance, but their respected realms would not have it, and stripped them of their knighthood for their failure to capture these lands and cleanse it of their enemies.

The fallen knights then decided that this land should be theirs, and thus was the birth of the Kingdom of Knightfall and of the Triad in which would rule it.

The Triad are the ruling body of Knightfall, and consist of a Lieutenant, a Warlord, and a Scribe.
The Warlord is responsible for the general run of the realm, discipline, organizing practices, and taking care of anything that isn't covered by the other two Triad members.
The Lieutenant is in charge of the group armory, equipping and training members of the realm, and assisting the Warlord in any way possible.
The Scribe is the annalist of the realm, and is in charge of keeping track of the treasury, the realm's web presence, filing waivers, keeping a current roster of members, and anything else of the like.

EDITED OUT INFORMATION; saved for later integration in a "History" section.

The three members of the Triad, Reaper, Trybal, and Drin led the realm for many years, and Knightfall experienced a profound growth. However, as with all things, their rule did not last forever, and eventually they faded into legend. In the wake of their departure, a low ranking Guard took charge as an unofficially appointed steward of the realm, and Knightfall floundered for several years, experiencing sharp decline and near extinction. With time, the realm stabalized and two Shadowguard stepped up to join the steward, and with their combined efforts Knightfall again saw growth, and a new Triad was formed. These three, Thurat, Argemex, and Calewin have carried the realm on since, both as members of the Triad and as Shadowguard, and Knightfall has continued to exist.

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