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Troll stage four.jpg

Full Name: Malark Ashenstride

Unit: AU and Uruk-Hai

Realm: Stygia

Fighting Since: 2003

Race: Forest Troll

Style of Choice: Simple Weapons (e.g. rocks, spear, club, dagger, etc)

Real Name: Nicholas Brouillard

Events Attended: Chaos Wars IX, XII, and XIII


Malark Ashenstride is what you get when you have a tribe of monsters living in relative isolation from the rest of the world. In the small vale where Malark spent his youth hunting and learning the trades of war, his family was in continual peaceful contact with the Hat Troll and Gnoll tribes that likewise inhabited the area. A blending of cultures commenced leading to a very unique style of mindset for a troll. From the Gnolls, Malark learned the vicious and awe-spiring hatred for all things civilized. He also adopted their custom of wearing collars as a sign of their honour. From the Hat Trolls, Malark learned respect for those taller then him and also an appreciation for a finely crafted hat.

Compelled by the Dread Gods to seek the blood of pinkies, Malark left the vale. The People of the Vale never had the weaponsmithing technology to make advanced arms, so Malark used in war what he learned for hunting in the forest: sticks, stones, simple spears, and archery. This reliance on Stone Age tech put Malark at a slight disadvantage at first, but his troll ingenuity figured out techniques for getting around the more well-equipped fighters.

Malark wandered until he found the expansive area of Stygia, complete with hunting grounds and a small pinkie settlement for trading called Hell's Gate. The territory was controlled by the Uruk-Hai and their masters, the White Skull. Malark joined a mercenary unit (headed by Valas Hune) upon his arrival, but the mercenaries were soon absorbed by the Uruk-Hai. After living in Stygia for awhile, Malark became impressed by the power of the Uruk-Hai and enlisted in their ranks. Their blood-lust and might were an awesome sight, and he enjoyed touring with them.

During his time with the Uruk-Hai, Malark also founded a Gladiator's School in the Hell's Gate Village. It was a great success and continues to produce skilled fighters to this day.

Malark soon became tired of the hierarchical structure of the Uruk-Hai and the brutality even amongst themselves. He dreamed of a Unit based on democratic principals and tribal unity, not fear and oppression. Then, at Chaos Wars XII, he conspired with like-minded warriors and created the AU.

The next year at Chaos Wars XIII, Malark fell victim to treachery. While wandering about in drunken stupor, the malicious Breaker stole the collar he wears as a sign of his honour. The collar was put in the possession of Lady Lillith, who then struck a bargain with Malark: the symbol of his honour would be returned if he would just pledge his undying loyalty to the Uruk-Hai banner once again. Compelled by tribal duty, Malark swore the oath, and now has returned to his previous occupation of barbarous blood-letting.

Always at the mercy of his Dread Gods, Malark was forced under pain of insanity to form a monstrous religious organization called The Great Hunt. He is currently High Priest and always looking for members.

Malark currently fights in Stygia and continues to grow the revolutionary idea of the AU while engaging in the brutality that only the Uruks can muster.

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