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Mundane Name: Joshua Dusek

Fighting Name: Argent

Realm: Solasmahr Tir

Unit: unaffiliated

Fighting Since: Late 2007

Events Attended: Melcaorme 2009

                Armageddon 2009

Weapons of Choice: Sword and Shield.

Preferred Fighting Method(s): Sword and Shield

"Life of Argent"

479 AD

I grew up in Germania Superior. Our village was located right outside a Roman town. My father had always hated the Romans and thought that their presence was a sign of horrible things to come upon our people. He taught me to fight in the old ways so that one day I might be part of the army that would free our people from this oppressive force.

But that proved difficult for me. I loved the Romans. They brought peace with them. Our crops were no longer pillage from us. Our towns were no longer burnt to the ground by Goths and Huns. I admired the Romans for their shiny armor and great fighting skills. I was brought up to hate them, but instead wished by fire-light to be one of them. When my father found out my secret desire I was removed from the family. Told that I would bring no honor to his house or my people. That very night I went to the town and joined the Roman ranks. To become like them and to forget my father, I took the name Argent…silver. The color of their infamous armor.

Being not of Roman descent I was assigned to the Germanic Auxilia. I trained with my kinsmen in the ways of the Roman solider. To fight side by side. To never run or turn your back to the enemy. My first action was against the Barbarians of Gaul. A gruesome lot they were. Nothing for the likes of the might of the Roman Empire and her fighting sons. The Gauls were crushed beneath our heels and their blood spilled by our swords. It was a great battle. We walked away with almost no loses.

In my time there I proved myself to be proficient enough in battle that I was assigned to the ranks of Roman Auxilia Palatina. The best of the best in Germania Superior. My commander was a cruel and evil man. A man filled with hate towards my kind…and that’s what we all were. He would be-little us and make us seem like nothing. Just like every other commander we’ve had. But he was different. Men would end up missing and found days later dead with a pilum through them. I could stand it no more. I had seen what my father and told me of. One moonless night I snuck into his tent and severed his head from his body and threw it to the middle of the camp. That very night I promised myself to do what is right and defend the weak and good from the wicked. I started to make my way home. Along the way I met up with many fellow Romans who told me that the Empire had fallen to the sword of Alric the Goth.

I finally made to my village to find the Roman town burned to the ground and my village deserted. As I searched for signs of life, I came across a sickening scene. My family killed and left to rot on the roof of their hut. My father, my mother, and my two young sisters. I knew the style…Goths. Come to seek revenge against the local Roman garrison and those they thought were helping the Romans.

With no home to speak of I set out and began to wander the hills and forest looking for anything that would show me a path. I came across a small town in a valley under attack from some manner of beast. I ran forth and fought this foul creature. When I had ended its life, the people of the town came from their hiding places and surrounded me. They wished to pay me tribute. But I kindly refused them. At that point I realized my path…to help those in need. I became a “Mercenarius”…a mercenary…

Along my journeys I came across many things. But the most interesting of them all was when I ended up in a place called Solasmahr Tir. It was a strange land full of demons and all manner of sprites and elves. I decided to stay here and make a place for myself. Perhaps my set of skills would come in handy. After a year or so I came across a man. He said his name was Cathair of Connacht. An Irishman. He had returned from a long absence to fight once again. It turns out that our stories seem woven from the same cloth. He asked me to join and help lead a group named The Order of the Hound. I joined his order in hopes to protect the weak and bring honor to myself and my family

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