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Vital Stats

Hometown: Eastside of King County, WA
Current Contact: Elbryan
Active Members: 10+
Gondor's Yahoo Group
Realm of Gondor (Not currently updated.)

Practice Information

Location: Robinswood Park off of 148th Ave in Bellevue, WA.
Day/Time: (Fall Hours) Sundays at 12 noon. (Currently we're working out our winter practice location, so if you plan to come, drop us a line so we can make sure you have up to date info.).
Average Attendance: 5+


Ancient: Gondor was founded just prior to the turn of the millennia by Sir Tasis, while he strove for higher learning. Tasis thereafter moved away to advance his lot in life, in the course joining other realms. Orion and Xooyan picked up the mantle of leadership in his absence and ran the realm for a period of time.

Near the beginning of the year 2003, Orion and Xooyan departed, with great sadness from those remaining behind. This began the slow decent of Gondor, as the realm suffered ever dwindling numbers. In the same year however, a band known as the Bushido-kai settled for a time and fought alongside Gondor, helping to stave off its enemies. However, within a year and a half the group had traveled on, leaving the remaining members of Gondor fearful that their enemies would notice their weakened state and would take the opportunity to destroy them.

Modern: Since those dark times, Zaedric and Elbryan, together with a few other core members, have helped to hold Gondor together, despite the troubled times. In recent years new warriors helped to stir the blood of the old realm, and some settled to aid Gondor in regaining its former glory. One man, known as Kestrel, took up the banner of leadership and, supported by his companions, began to rebuild Gondor's numbers.

More recently, from out of the valleys and across the water, former warriors of the Bushido-kai have returned. While missing some of their old comrades, they also bring new blood, adding further to Gondor's ranks.

Together with new allies from the far north and the seven seas, Gondor looks forward to the future.

Events: Gondor hosts the annual Western Wars event in Oregon every year. Gondor also participated in several Chaos Wars throughout its history, ranging from its early years up through appearances in the present day.

Gondor has also recently been making efforts to reach out to its near neighbors. Though the distances are large, Gondor has sent warriors to fight alongside the other coastal realms when the occasion allows for it.


(list is non-inclusive)

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