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You're lucky he blinked. He has rape eyes.

Race: Gnoll
Realm: Tha Rugged Lands
Unit: Viking Bastards
Weapon of Choice: That razor sharp wit of his!
Age: 3
Fighting Style: Set you on fire

Quotable Quotes: These are some really cool things that really cool people have said about Giggles. All of these really cool people are close friends of Giggles.

"You are a special person." - Hannoske
"Giggles, you are a crazy fucking son of a bitch." - Spike
"...I just refuse to fight a battle of wits with those who are unarmed." - Sir Wharghoul
"your just pissed because I am not AWED by you Jr. High sense of humor." - Peregrine
"Do you even care or do you just think its cool to draw attention to yourself in any way you can, even if its bad?" - Ora
"I honestly, and this is in all honesty, think that this is a dumb statement." - B.A.M.
"You don't have that big of a post count yourself... Hell, you're post count is barely over a hundred." - Black Cat"
"... Anyone who sees Shrat for the Dreamboat he is is obviously 'pleasantly disturbed'." - Izareth
"...of all the absent-minded, ignorant, irrelevant bullshit I've ever heard, this DEFINITELY tops my list." - SoldierofIkthilia
"Obviously this person is just trolling." - Arthon
"'re an asshole." - KumathePainted
"Sadly, you are correct." - Snicker
" must not be that popular... you must really suck or something." - MaXaM


Giggles is a gnoll, born a Scumlord in the Guttermaw Clan. At the age of 2 he set out on his own to walk the path of the swordsman. Alongside the path he noticed a patch of brightly colored mushrooms. Not being one to pass up a free meal he gobbled down the tasty fungi. In the midst of the subsequent electric shroom fever, Giggles strayed far from the path of the sword. Before him lay a new twisty path. Giggles gave up his sword and followed his heart down the road less traveled. He now dedicates himself to thwacking all the suckas of the world in the head with a big ol' stick.

For those of you out of the loop:

Giggles wasn't always known by that name... many many days ago, he was known as Kit, but at the Eleventh Chaos War, he encountered a goblyn with an eerily identical name. Being small of brain, this confused the gnoll tremendously and in a fit of rage, he challenged the goblyn to a game of Rock Paper Anything. The stakes were set. One of them would lose their name. FOREVER. That evening, Kit and Kit convened on a road somewhere at sometime and the showdown began. "Rock. Paper. Anything..."

"GREAT WHITE SHARK!" Triumphantly declared the gnoll.

"SHRAT'S BEARD!" Retorted the goblyn.

Kit knew then that he had been outwitted. Nothing could defeat Shrat's beard. Not even Shrat himself! Subsequently, everyone got wasted (it was sin night after all) and the gnoll was renamed Giggles because according to several people present, "It is a fucking awesome name."

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