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National Unit

The Fianna is a celtic warband made up of fighters and non-fighters from many different realms.


The Fianna currently has 2 main septs:

Fíanna Cú Ruadh-Tennesee

Fíanna Cáirrfhiadh-Northeast Ohio


Fíanna Cú Ruadh: Fenians: Kinsman Finn CúMór mac Cruina-Rig Fennidh, SkyFire Silverymoon-Brehon, Maeve(Dex), Loki, Raven,

Doltanagh: Aria, SwordBrother Gabriel MacBell(Irish), Starre, Marcus Greystone, Cade, Art, Chavi-Kitty, Cailte McDonough, Oisin Gael Rochdor, William,

Fíanna Cáirrfhiadh: Fenians: Gavin Mac Lund-Rig Fennidh Awen MacDonald-Brehon Melame Lothorien-Filídh Tara Thyra(Glitz), Kurn BlackWolf, Ashling, SwordBrother Fidaich meqq Talorcan, SwordBrother Modi DeMac, Fodder, Fynk, William “Angus” McKilty, Cailte, Einar Mac'lar,

Doltanagh Tarloc, Leif Dublin, Eireann, Morninglory, Sir Ticam, Mungala, Dirk (The Incredibly Stupid) Stevenson, D'edra BlackWolf,

Camhalta of the Fíanna:

Kyrax The Guard Celt, Owen Wyndhaven, King Lorrymar, Zwei Gwynedd, Fergus McAskill, William Robert, Dachande MacWolven(Wolf), Storm Wolfcaller, Faoiltiarna Wolfcaller, Gregor MacDermod(Pickles), Pryderi, Scroll the Bard, Seeker, Avina de Bray, Churmak, Kala Theron, Kinsman Oron the Wolf, Andin Greystorm, Mier Lynk, Luna Lynk, Dyne Lynk, Sir Freyson Greygently,


Ulfur Greni, Get of Fenris, Bladestorm, Kingdom of Gwynedd,


Personal tools
For Fighters
For Craftsman