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The Khajiit Goddess of the Sun, Truth, Life & War

Iniabi (pronounced IN-E-AH-B) is one of the Gods revered by the Khajiit. Considered to be the God of the Day, Sun, Truth, War, Life, Discipline, Leadership, Healing, Integrity, Turmoil, Law, Loyalty, Family, Strength, Tenacity, Sexuality and Boisterousness. Also considered one of the 2 great Gods in the Khajiit pantheon. Her counterpart being Thanee.


With a height of around 6'0" and a weight of around 160# Iniabi is described as a golden lion Khajiit of a strong stature. Iniabi is said to have a build to make an Amazonian jealous, physically fit and well cut she is a specimen in her own right. Plus her gorgeous golden fur and fire red hair, add metallic gold eyes that shone with the brightness of the sun itself she was stunning... friend or foe. Iniabi was said to always excel and was the darling of her tribe. Although thought to be somewhat childish due to her rambunctious and free spirited nature. She has a serious streak in her when it comes to protecting her people, like most Khajiit.


  • Early years

Even as a young cub it was clear that Iniabi would grow to greatness. The daughter of the King, she was trained by the best and showed a great aptitude for combat even as a cub. Iniabi was loud and boisterous to the point of obnoxious. At times that didn't make her many friends.

  • Adolescence

Iniabi was a great lioness, she was swift and strong, she was the greatest warrior of her tribe. Though one would think it would be good to be the best for their tribe, it often was repaid to her in animosity and tension. Her pride mates caused her great unrest at times. Their jealous thoughts being taken out on her. Their actions made Iniabi somewhat of a loner at times. Iniabi would often take walks to clear her mind. Her favorite place to wander was a river not too far from where her tribe stayed. She often felt at peace there especially around twilight, watching the reflection of the stars as they glitter in the river.

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