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Floyd (or "Floyd the Floydiest") is a member of the Arbitrium and a Shellback as of Equinox 2013.


Floyd has traveled across the land, searching far and wide for his calling. A mountain man by genetics, but royalty by lineage. Though afraid of the angry and vengeful sea, he joined the Arbitrium in search of new adventures and the mythical "Sea Blessing". He fights primarily with red weapons and is forging his mastercraft weapon, The Floyd. An amateur blacksmith apprentice, he is pretty good at beating one out. His beard stores many stories of tales long ago (or of last night) that he tells with such grace and flow that feels like warm butter flowing through your ear canals. Floyd can also be considered his fleet's Chirurgeon, with his big manly hands stitching his crew members back together through every bloody battle. He has recently befriended Pablo, a stowaway who the captains hate immensely. Pussy Foot McKitten Whiskers does more-so than the captains.

Quest for the Sea Blessing

Floyd heard of this ancient practice while smoking many cigarettes with mermaids who had never heard of cigarettes, considering they live in the water. After one mermaid had one to many of the rum, she promised to explain what a Sea Blessing was if he followed her to the island in the distance. Floyd, not being a person who trusts water, decided to hitch a ride on the back of a shark after beating it into submission with his beard. Finally, after making it to the island, the mermaid spoke up and whispered the secrets to this mythical event. His eyes widened. His mouth dropped. He turned to her and grabbed her face. Floyd looked into her eyes and through her soul. "Show me." he said intensely. The mermaid jumped in the water and told Floyd to follow her. Unfortunately, he did not have another shark conveniently available. He spent many moons on this island until the Arbitrium floated by and picked his sunburned head up. When found, he was near death due to starvation from lack of cigarettes and someone to tell his stories to. Luckily, the Arbitrium was full of people to listen and feed his chain-smoking. Floyd's soul purpose in life (at this point) is to obtain the mythical Sea Blessing and use it's power to unleash a flood of Floyd into the world.


This is all pretty accurate already. Except the Overalls. And Trucker Hats. And Mental Health Counseling Master's Candidate.

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