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Farix at Oktoberfest 2015

Years Fighting: 5 (technically only 1)

Favored Style: Sword and Board, Spear

Unit: Path of the Dragon

Current Realm: Arnor

Real Name: Ben Chinn

Currently Living: St.Charles, MO

Bio: Started fighting in 2010 at Arnor, was a super scrub for 4 years.

Was saved from that place by Tisco and has been spending a lot of time trying to GIT GUD.

Events attended:

Wolfpack opener: 2013,2014,2015

Olympics(Dagorhir): 2015

Gates of Summer(Dagorhir): 2015

Midsummer Tournament(Dagorhir): 2015

Summer Slaughter(Dagorhir): 2015

War of the Iron Fist(Dagorhir): 2015

Unit Wars(Dagorhir): 2015

Keep on the Borderlands(Amtgard): 2015

Oktoberfest: 2015