Phoenix LBM

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Fighter name: Phoenix

Mundane Name: Little Blue Menace

Race: Syren

Fighting since: July 2017

Unit: Barreler in House Hellhammer


Dame Phoenix

Mother of Gay Baby Jail

"Dame-gerous" of Knights of Wildwood

Hypothermic Hypatia of the Science Alliance

First Padawan of Jareth Cloudborne

Teal the Teal of the Blue Mages of the Council of Archmages

GF13-018PHX Faith GUNDAM, of the Mobile Suit

Personal Information: Phoenix is from somewhere in Norcalia, but reports on where exactly vary. A literal angel of god, she became the Warden of Gay Baby Jail during WoW 2017 to help contain some of the Gay Babies that plague the land. She does not hail from any particular realm, as none are worthy of her presence and she loves them all the same anyway. Any items that are Tiffany blue or another similar color probably belong to her. She has an elite guard comprised of loyal friends known as the Phoenix Force.

The GF13-018PHX Faith GUNDAM unit was developed by Neo Sweden following the 13th Gundam Fight. Inspired by the GF13-010NSW Nobel GUNDAM, the Faith bears many physical similarities. Boasting a crossbow that missiles energy arrows on the right arm of the unit, the left arm projects a large energy shield that stands almost as tall as the unit. Equipped with full collapsible wings, the Faith stores two tonfas on the hips of the unit for closer range combat. In a nod to its predecessors, the Faith dons a gold circlet with a two pronged crest at the forehead of the mech. The unit is mostly white over its grey joints, with bright teal accents on the feet areas to make a heeled appearance, the skirts of the hips, the shoulder pieces, the bow in the center, and the wings. It's energy projections also appear as a bright teal. Seemingly tucked into place by the crown, a dense multitude of long, teal spikes come from the top of the head towards the back of the ankles of the unit, emulating hair of the GF13-050NSW Nobel Gundam. These spikes are able to come together to form a curtain of hair, or spread apart, depending on flight and combat needs, per the pilot's discretion.

"Dude, you gotta respect the hustle"-Phoenix 2k17