Praetorian Guard
The Praetorian Guard is an allied unit of House Dregoth based on the historical Roman Praetorian Guard around 35 AD. The Praetorians fight and camp with, but do not have to be members of House Dregoth. Praetorians are easy to spot by their Roman garb, armor and shields.
Historically these Praetorians were involved in the elimination of Caligula since he became unstable.
The next Emperor Claudius was the first Emperor proclaimed on the initiative of the Praetorian Guard instead of the Senate. For the Praetorian Guard times were good under him since he kept them loyal with money and power. For our setting Caesar Murdock replaces Claudius
Caesar Murdock Caesar Murdock Lord of House Dregoth Sir Murdock the Madd
Unit Leader Tribune (Tribunus Laticlavius) Fowler Sergeant of House Dregoth
Optio Zerelius Guardsman of House Dregoth
Signifier Uriel Guardsman of House Dregoth
Praetorian Cyclops Guardsman of House Dregoth
Praetorian Malachi Guardsman of House Dregoth
Praetorian Foxhound Guardsman of House Dregoth
Praetorian Celes Guardsman of House Dregoth
Speculator Mave Guardsman of House Dregoth
Speculator Stargazer
Praetorian Bolt
Praetorian Kodiak Guardsman of House Dregoth
Praetorian Stormbringer Guardsman of House Dregoth
Praetorian Thumelicus Guardsman of House Dregoth
Praetorian Mynnix Guardsman of House Dregoth
Praetorian Solaris Cyprus Guardsman of House Dregoth
Praetorian Fynn Guardsman of House Dregoth
Probatus Caius
Auxilia Magdrin Silverstone
Retired: Unit Leader Prefect (Praefectus Praetorio) Kronos Captain of House Dregoth
To join our group as a Praetorian you must:
1) Conduct yourself with honor and duty - help setup Praetorian camp, take your hits, do not cheat, take care of your trash, contribute to the sport when possible, follow rules and be responsible. Your actions reflect on everyone in the unit.
2) be sponsored by an existing Praetorian, becoming Probatus, for a period of Spring Wars to Oktoberfest or Oktoberfest to Spring Wars.
3) spar all active Praetorians. This is the way in which we get to know you.
4) be Roman all the time ie wear the clothes of a Roman. Don't sometimes be something else - a goblin for example. We are opting for playability over accuracy as far as Roman garb goes, for example people are not required to wear caligae, tunics with no pants, or Roman short pants. Just the Romanesque tunic and belt is enough for our purposes. We are history through the filter of a modern (relativly low cost) combat sport.
5) not be a member of any other unit/house (ie a group which would fight during unit battles), with the exception of House Dregoth.
6) on the battlefield team up with Praetorians all the time - not just during unit battles
7) follow the battlefield commands of Praetorian officers.
8) have the minimum equipment of a Praetorian,
9) upon admittance purchase the Praetorian belt.
10) get voted in by a Praetorian gathering at Spring Wars or Oktoberfest.
Minimum equipment would be as follows:
Roman Weapon (Sword, Spear or Bow)
Shield if used (Oval, round or rectangular shield)
Green Roman field tunic (for battle unit cohesion)
Additional equipment, highly preferred black and leather for unit cohesion, to get over time:
Breastplate - Muscle Cuirass (preferred), Lorica Segementa or Logica Hamata
Oval Praetorian Shield with the standard design - we get these in bulk and you buy them from us usually
Armored Skirt
To join our group as a Speculator ie a noncombatant you must:
1) Conduct yourself with honor and duty - help setup Praetorian camp, take care of your trash, contribute to the sport when possible, follow rules and be responsible. Your actions reflect on everyone in the unit.
be sponsored by an existing Praetorian or Speculator, becoming a Probatus, for a period of Spring Wars to Oktoberfest or Oktoberfest to Spring Wars.
2) assist with Praetorian hosted meals or events.
3) be Roman all the time ie wear the clothes of a Roman. Don't sometimes be something else - a goblin for example. We are opting for playability over accuracy as far as Roman garb goes, for example people are not required to wear caligae, tunics with no pants, or Roman short pants. Just the Romanesque tunic and belt is enough for our purposes. We are history through the filter of a modern (relativly low cost) combat sport.
4) not be a member of any other unit/house (ie a group which would fight during unit battles), with the exception of House Dregoth.
5) get voted in by a gathering at Spring Wars or Oktoberfest.
6) upon admittance purchase the Speculator belt.
1) Probatus cannot wear the Praetorian scorpion.
2) There are no dues. Donations are requested to make specific purchases for the unit. Fund raising through unit activities adds to the unit treasury.
3) Spending donations requires a majority vote if the purchase it isn't specifically what the donation was for.
4) Praetorians and Speculators who are not members of House Dregoth cannot become an officer of the Praetorians.
5) Praetorians and Speculators are expected to continue to do what they did to become a member.
6) The Praetorian symbol or scorpion is not to be duplicated without a Tribune or higher review. The symbol needs to accurate and well done.
Tunic pattern:
Cloak pattern:
Lorica Segmentata pattern:
Trousers (Braccae) pattern:
Lady Armstrongs tunic tutorial:
Belegarth starter kit:
Doctoral Thesis about the Praetorian guard during our period: