Moth of The Mist
(Redirected from Moth of Dur Demarion)
About Me:
Name & Title(s): Moth - Arch'oth of The Lost
M' oth
Home Realm: Dur Demarion
Unit: The Lost
In a Relationship with Abacus Blue
In a Relationship with Flynnt
In a Relationship with Vashiren
Fighting Preference(s):
- Sword and board
- Archery
- Florentine
Fighting since: 2020
Forest's Haunted™
Guardian of the forest "The Mist"
Events Attended:
- Orc Wars
- Beltane
- Equinox
- Oktoberfest
- Winter War
- Orc Wars
- Beltane
- Equinox
- Oktoberfest
- Winter War