
Real name: Morgan
Realm: Rausumea
Unit: Mirkwood
The Lost Story of the Ice Elves
Long ago, when the Drow and the Elven forces met in a colossal battle, not all the Drow were driven underground. Only a few hundred out of the thousands who made the journey reached their new home. They were driven North to the uninhabitable icy land, the unforgiving lands to the North in the ice-clad climate. A new breed of Elf evolved. They made a great, grand city out of frozen ice crystal.
The elves only had one group of friends and allies, the Winter Wolves. When invaders threatened, the Winter Wolves and the Ice Elves stood side-by-side, ever happy. Until their cousins came and destroyed everything in the icy lands. The Drows teamed up with the Fire Elves to wipe out the Ice Elves and their frozen crystal city.
The Ice Elves were overrun. They had heavy losses. A few dozen Ice Elves were still alive and capable to fight, to keep their story and their people alive.
They left their home forever. However, the losses they took were given as well. Their allies and friends, the Winter Wolves… Sad to say none are thought to have lived past the first few battles. No one knows if any Winter Wolves or Ice Elves are left.
Many Wood and Water Elves said if they were walking amongst us, they would not know who they are. Forgotten the truth because it has been so long since they have seen their home. The old ways are lost, till they return home. Hoping one will be found, so the story can live forever.