(Redirected from Ashere)
Name: AEschere (pronounced 'ash-HER-ray'), Bizarro Guts
Realm: Tir Asleen
Unit: Horde
- Awakened Saturday, April 16th, Year of Mayhem at Spring War 2011
Race: Goblyn/ginger
Been Fighting For: Way longer than you'd think...
Preferred Weapon Style: Striped Florentine, loves to throw pointy things at people
Events Attended
- Wolfpack Opener '09, '11
- Spring War '07, '09, '11, '12, '16
- Beltaine '15
- Field Day '07, '11
- Melcaorme VI ('07), VIII ('09), IX ('10), X ('11)
- Chaos Wars XV ('11)
- Thor's War II ('08)
- Equinox XX ('10)
- Oktoberfest '07, '09, '12, '13
- Rhun Closer '11